Client Perks
What makes us stand out amongst other pet service options in the Wilmington area?

We have been in business for more than 15 years! We proudly provide high-quality service, and have the references to back us up.
We do not overload our team’s schedules. We want your pet to have highly personalized and one-on-one care.
We offer on-the-walk training.
Have a dog that pulls a little bit too much? Our walkers not only exercise your pup, we also work on improving your pup's leash manners! Please note that this is not a training session, as that is a separate service we offer. We simply will help to reinforce what your dog already knows.
We provide care and walks in all weather! Rain, shine, sleet, or snow, you can rest assured your pets will be well-cared for.
We stay in touch with photos and updates via Time to Pet.​​​​
We cater to your needs! Prefer a play date to walks? Want your pup worn out by a trip to the dog park? Would you like your pet ferrets pushed in a stroller around the block? Our services are not set in stone. If you have requests, we do our best to fulfill them. With our large and varied team, we can accommodate most client needs!
Finally, we offer senior, military, and student discounts! We also give out discounts for frequent use.
Read what people are saying about For the Love of Dogs, LLC and why we want to be YOUR first (and only!) call for Wilmington DE pet care needs!